Part III


152. Execution of warrant of arrest outside jurisdiction of Tribunal. -


(1) Whera warrant has beeissued bthTribunal under these rules for the arrest of a contributorwho is or is believed to boutsidthe jurisdiction of thTribunalthTribunal issuing the warrant masend thwarrant of arresfor execution tthDistrict Court orto thCourt of Small Causes at Bombay, Calcutta or Madras (if the warrant has to be executed in anof thesplaces) within thordinarjurisdiction of which such contributorshall then bor bbelieveto be, with a requisition in Form WIN 71 annexed thereto under thseal of thTribunal requesting execution of the warrant bthCourt to which iis sent and the last mentioned Court shall seal the warrant with its seal and shall cause the arrest to be made by its own officers or by a Court subordinate to it and the concerned police officers shall aid and assist within their respective jurisdiction in the execution of such warrant.

(2) The Court making the arrest shall send the contributory arrested in proper custody to the Tribunal by which the warrant of arrest was originally issued, unless he furnishes the required security to the satisfaction of the Court for his appearance before the Tribunal, in which case the Court shall release him on such security and inform the Tribunal by which the warrant of arrest was originally issued.